A short story about a time traveler and the government that tries to manipulate him, “The Boy Who Shattered Time,” published on/in The Future Fire.
A short story about a time traveler and the government that tries to manipulate him, “The Boy Who Shattered Time,” published on/in The Future Fire.
www.scrivenerpress.com info@scrivenerpress.com
“In this collection there
are ‘bees on the breath,’
and a poem runs a red
light on a Michigan
highway. A reader can do
nothing but go with it, ride
that energy and exhilaration
from the first page
to the last. I love the
brightness and energy
of this poet—and you
will too.” – Lorna Crozier
“…handfuls of Dunn’s fanciful Northern Ont-ological
wit and bewilderness…” – Gary Barwin
Blog: http://markddunn.blogspot.com/