Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Fancy Clapping press release
Announces the publication of Fancy Clapping, Mark D. Dunn’s latest poetry collection.
Publication date: April 1, 2012.
Contact: Mark D Dunn mddunn@shaw.ca (705) 949-8756
or Laurence Steven, Scrivener Press: laurence@yourscrivenerpress.com
90 pages Scrivener Press (April 1 2012)
ISBN-10: 1896350488
ISBN-13: 978-1896350486
Advanced Praise for Fancy Clapping:
Lorna Crozier says, “In this collection there are "bees on the breath," and a poem runs a red light on a Michigan highway. A reader can do nothing but go with it, ride that energy and exhilaration from the first page to the last. I love the brightness and energy of this poet--and you will too.”
Gary Barwin says, “This vibrant new collection explores the juggling we do, the fancy clapping of innocence and experience. These are witty and inventive metaphysical poems of delight, mortality, loss, libido, myth and the anachronistic weirdness of being alive in the modern world. When a body meets a body, wisdom coming through the wry. Fancy Clapping is handfuls of Dunn’s fanciful Northern Ont-ological wit and bewilderness: the contemporary and the contemplative, an attempt to fly, the mortal blur of palm reading, life’s legerdemain. This book makes you fancy clapping. Indeed, it deserves some: [Applause.]”
About the Author
Poet and songwriter Mark D. Dunn lives in Sault Ste Marie and teaches at Sault College. Fancy Clapping is his second collection of poetry. Dunn’s poems have won the Ted Plantos Memorial Award. His previous collection,Ghost Music, was long-listed for the 2011 Relit Awards
More information and free music:
Blog: http://markddunn.blogspot.com/
Website: http://www.mddunn.com
Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/markddunn
SoundCloud: www.soundcloud.com/mddunn
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A Short Story Review in Cosmic Vinegar
The writer takes the story to task for clunky dialogue. Okay, I accept.
He/She has some interesting things to say about speculative fiction in general.
Although it’s a mixed review, it’s good to have work given such a close reading.
The link: http://cosmicvinegar.com/past-issues/reviews-the-importance-of-being-communal/